Pellet method


Pellet method was developed by Nagase and Niwa (1963) in Japan.

  • Here the semen is rapidly frozen as small pellets on solid carbondioxide following dilution with media containing carbohydrate and glycerol.

Freezing method

The volume of semen pellet is 0.1-0.2 ml. The freezing is done with the help of solid carbondioxide.

S.No. Components Quantity(ml)
1 Lactose 75.30
2 Glycerol 4.7
3 Egg yolk 20

  • Antibiotics as per the schedule
  • The semen is diluted with the above diluents in a glass tube.
  • It is placed in 250 ml beaker having water at 30⁰C.
  • The beaker along with the semen is placed in a refrigerator/cold handling cabinet at 5⁰C for 5 hours.
  • 0.1-0.2 ml of semen is taken in a calibrated pipette and is dropped on solid carbondioxide.
  • To facilitate this, the solid carbondioxide was smoothened to a flat surface with an electric sander and small depressions were made by the use of metal die.
  • The depressions were approximately 2mm in diameter and 1 mm in deep.
  • The semen is allowed for 10 minutes for freezing on the solid carbondioxide.
  • Then they are collected by using pre cooled forceps in to a goblet and stored in liquid nitrogen.


  • The pellet is thawed by placing it in 1 ml 3% sodium citrate solution containing 1.5% fructose at 20⁰C.
  • The dilute semen is taken in glass catheter and inseminated.


  • Economical method
  • Requires less storage space


  • As the pellets are stored directly identification is difficult
  • As the pellet is placed directly in to liquid nitrogen the chance of contamination with organisms in liquid nitrogen is more
  • When the pellets are taken with forceps for storing and during thawing they may break and gets attached to forceps or may fall anywhere. This leads to loss of sperms.
  • The freezability of sperms by this method is moderate.
  • The thawing is a tedious process when compared to other methods.
  • The insemination is done with glass catheters which is having disadvantages
Last modified: Wednesday, 6 June 2012, 2:08 PM