Evaluation of semen


  • Immediately after collection the collection vial is taken out of AV and the rims are covered with aluminium foil.
  • The details of the collection are pasted on the vial (bull No., ejaculate number etc).
  • It is placed in a 34 ⁰ C water bath in the passbox (The lab is tightly sealed at the time of processing to maintain hygiene. So the passbox helps to transport of semen from collection yard to lab. But the passbox should not be opened at both the sides simultaneously).
  • Inside the lab the semen is evaluated for volume, color, consistency and presence of foreign matter and then placed in a water bath of 34 ⁰ C.
  • This temperature has to be maintained till the final dilution of semen.
  • One drop of semen is placed on glass slide and mass activity recorded.
  • Samples showing more than +3 are taken for estimating concentration of spermatozoa.
  • The concentration is estimated by using calorimeter or photometer.
  • The semen is diluted with diluent in 1:1 ratio.
  • The initial motility is assessed by placing a drop of 1:1 diluted semen on a warm slide and placing a cover slip on it.
  • The initial motility is estimated by using phase contrast microscope.
  • A sample with 70% and above initial motility is selected for further processing.
  • The entire process of above mentioned semen evaluation has to be completed within 5-7 minutes.

The minimum requirement for fresh semen to be processed are as follows

  • Volume - 2.5 ml
  • Concentration - 500 million and above
  • Initial motility - 70%

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Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 10:25 AM