



  • The term castration denotes removal of testis.
  • Castration is done by either surgical/open or non-surgical/closed methods.
  • In surgical method of castration the testes along with the epididymis were removed along with the sections of testicular blood vessels and spermatic ducts ie. the organs responsible for sperm production, maturation and testosterone secretion were removed. The other structures like accessory sex glands, penis and prepuce were left intact.
  • In non-surgical method the spermatic cords and associated blood vessels leading to the testicles were crushed thereby the blood supply to the testicles are arrested. This leads to degeneration and atrophy of the testicles.
  • The method of castration in an animal is selected based on the species of the animal, age of the animal and purpose of castration.
  • Whatever method is selected, it should be convenient to both the animal and the owner.
Last modified: Tuesday, 12 June 2012, 4:14 AM