Castration in ram and buck
An important management practice to maintain control on breeding program
Successful tool for breed improvement
Prevent breeding of related individuals (inbreeding) that can result in genetic defects, Poor growth rate, and other problems
Avoid unwanted pregnancies and the mating of young females before they are of adequate size and age for pregnancy and parturition.
Enhance on-farm safety for animals, producers and employees. Castrated animals are usually less aggressive and easier to manage.
Reduce goaty smell: meat from castrated males has less ‘goaty smell’ or tainted odour in the meat from intact bucks.
Carcass composition and weight development: This is one of the main effects of castration.
Age of castration
Holding and controlling animals for castration
For good restraining during castration it requires at least two persons. One person to hold the animal while the other one castrates.
It is best to put young lambs and kids on a table before castration.
The person holding the animal sets it on its butt or tail in an upright position in his lap or stands or kneels behind the animal. He should then grasp the front and back legs at the knee and hock on each side, holding firmly. The animal should have its back to the assistant.
Methods of castration
The methods are selected according to age of the animal and size of the testes.
For example, the elastrator method being more suitable to very young animals. It is good to match castration method to size and age of animal.
The Burdizzo (emasculatome) method (Click here to view picture)
Restrain the animal with an assistant.
Locate the two spermatic cords between the fingers and pushes one cord over to one side of the scrotum.
Place the jaws of the Burdizzo onto the upper scrotum, leaving the rudimentary teats above the crushing point. While crushing, do not crush the septum or tissue between the testicles. Crush one side of the scrotum at a time.
Clamp the Burdizzo over the cord on the side of the scrotum that is selected first. While crushing a clicking sound would be heard.
Leave the instrument closed for 20 to 25 seconds
The spermatic cord is very elusive. Be sure that it is within the jaws of the Burdizzo before and after the Burdizzo is closed.
You can tug on the cord to see if it feels ruptured.
Release the Burdizzo, move it lower to a new site about 1 cm closer to the testicles and close it again to be doubly sure that the cord is crushed. A site below the first crush is chosen to minimize acute pain from a second crush.
Click the link below to view video demonstration
The banding or elastrator method
- Materials needed include an elastrator and castrating bands. (Click here to view picture).
The scrotum and testes will fall off in two to 4 weeks, depending on the size of the testicles.
This method is most effective for young animals whose scrotal tissues have not yet become well developed, preferably while they are 7 to 10 days of age and definitely before 6 weeks old.
This is an easy method of castration provided a continuous supply of rings is available.
When using the band for castrating, be sure to check that both testicles are in the scrotum below the band.
Animals castrated by this method will have a female-like appearance because of early castration.
One caution in the use of this method is the potential for tetanus to occur prior to the scrotum falling off.
The risk increases with increasing age of animals castrated. This method causes some stress to the animal due to the pain and discomfort experienced by the constricting band, especially for 10 to 15 minutes after the elastrator band is applied.
Do not use rings older than 12 months to avoid breakage and to assure a tight fit.
The rings must be strong enough to cut off blood flow in the arteries as well as the veins. If not, the scrotum will swell.
Restrain the animal.
Place a rubber ring over the prongs of the elastrator.
Position it as close to the animal's body as possible, with care taken not to place the band over the rudimentary teats or involve the penis. (Click here to view picture).
Release the elastrators displacing the ring from the prongs, thereby positioning the band.
The band will return to its original shape cutting off circulation to the testicles and eventually causing all of the tissue below the band to die and fall off.
Check to be sure both testicles are still in the tip of the scrotum and that the ring is placed properly.
If not, cut the ring with scissors and repeat the procedure.
Administer an injection of tetanus antitoxin. Even though this is a bloodless procedure, the tetanus organism can gain entry through the irritated tissue around the rubber ring.
Check daily to be sure that the rubber band is still around the neck of the scrotum and for signs of infection.
Surgical method
Open covered method
Secure the ram/buck in lateral recumbency.
Pull the upper limb forward to expose the testis.
Make a 10-15 cm long vertical skin incision over the median scrotal raphe.
Separate the dartos and fascia by blunt dissection; exteriorize the testis along with spermatic cord enclosed in the vaginal tunic.
Ligate the entire cord with heavy chromic catgut.
The cord is transected and the testicle is removed.
Exteriorize another testis through the same incision and remove as per the same procedure.
The scrotal wound can either be sutured or left open for drainage and spontaneous healing.
Open uncovered method
Secure the animal in lateral recumbency.
Pull the upper limb forward to expose the testis.
Hold the testes in such a way that scrotal skin and tunica vaginalis are held tense.
Make a 10-15 cm long vertical skin incision over the median scrotal raphe.
Separate the dartos and fascia by blunt dissection; exteriorize the testis along with spermatic cord enclosed in the vaginal tunic.
Expose the spermatic cord by incising tunica vaginalis.
The vascular bundle of the spermatic cord is ligated as high as possible and is severed a little distance below the ligature.
The testicle is removed.
Exteriorize another testis through the same incision and remove as per the same procedure.
The scrotal wound can either be sutured or left open after trimming the excessive skin for drainage and spontaneous healing.
Banding or elastrator method - involves cutting off the blood supply to the testicles with a heavy-duty rubber band or ring.
Age of castration
Kid - less than 3 weeks of age
Last modified: Tuesday, 12 June 2012, 4:18 AM