

  • Ketamine is the derivative of phencyclidine derivative and is a dissociative anaesthetic. Animal administered with ketamine generally retains the reflexes which is considered as advantageous one with regard to the minimizing of hazards of inhalation of food or ingesta. Eyelids remain open and eyes have a fixed expression. However, it may not produce skeletal muscle relaxation.
  • Ketamine crosses the placenta in case of pregnant wild animals and however, it is known to cause no abortion in case of wild animals.

Use in wild animals

  • Wide dose rate is noticed (2 to 50 mg per kg body weight). Effects of parenteral injection occur within three to five minutes. Convulsions may occur in case of felids. This drug is not much suitable one in case of herbivores in general. However this is much useful in case of carnivores, reptiles and avifauna.
  • Cautions during the usage of ketamine
    • This drug should not be mixed with barbiturates in the same range.
    • Hyperthermia is a side effect of this drug.
Last modified: Friday, 27 April 2012, 8:03 AM