Functions and deficiency symptoms of Fe
Functions and deficiency symptoms of Fe
It is the first micronutrient to be discovered as an essential element for plant life. Iron present in chloroplasts as a “ferrodoxin” compound. Plants obtain as Fe2+ and Fe3+ forms and also as chelated Fe form. Immobile element within the plant; as such iron deficiency is noticeable in younger leaves at the growing region.
1. Involved in biosynthesis of chlorophyll and in the synthesis of chloroplast proteins 2. Activates several enzymes involved in respiration. 3. It brings about oxidation-reduction reactions in the plant. 4. It regulates respiration, photosynthesis, reduction of nitrates and sulphates.
Deficiency symptoms:
1. Interveinal chlorosis of younger leaves and generally called as “Iron chlorosis” or lime induced chlorosis. On severe deficiency leaves become “Pale white”. 2. Reddish-brown necrotic spots along the leaf margins of young shoots in tree crops. 3. In Brassica necrotic terminal buds at early seedling stage.
Last modified: Friday, 2 December 2011, 7:30 AM