

  • Anthurium is an evergreen, tropical herbaceous plant cultivated for its colourful spathe and unusual attractive foliage.
  • Originating in American tropicsAnthurium
  • The genus Anthurium has 600 species, which are distributed worldwide.
  • Among the number of species available, the most popular and economically important species are Anthurium andreanum and A. scherzerianum, which posses’ attractive long-lasting inflorescence.
  • Several other species like A. magnificium, A. digitatum, A. crystallinum, A. watermaliense, A. clarinervium and A. hookeri are grown for their excellent foliage.
  • The Anthurium belongs to family Araceae and derives its name from Greek language ‘Anthos’ means ‘flower’ and ‘Oura’ means ‘tail’ indicating the flower with a tail.
Last modified: Monday, 11 June 2012, 6:22 AM