Anthurium production – world scenario

Anthurium production – world scenario

  • Anthurium ranked eleventh in the global flower trade is next only to orchids among the tropical flowers.
  • Until 1970, Hawaii was the world’s leading producer and exporter of Anthurium flowers.
  • In the last ten years, the Hawaiian Anthurium industry has declined because of bacterial blight.
  • This is one of the major problems the Anthurium growers face worldwide.
  • Presently, the Netherlands is the world’s leading producer and exporter.
  • The Dutch production is concentrated during May to October because of bright light intensity during these months.
  • The preferred colours in Dutch markets are orange and red followed by white and pink.
  • Germany is the single largest importer of Dutch Anthuriums followed by Italy and France.
  • Mauritius is the second largest producer and exporter of Anthuriums.
  • During the last ten years, the Anthurium flowers from Hawaii are exported to the main land United States of America or to Japan.
  • Anthurium is also produced commercially in Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Singapore and Taiwan.
  • In India, Anthurium cultivation, which was mainly a hobby, is transformed into a commercial business by enterprising coffee and tea planters, who were initially responsible for bringing many exotic varieties into India.
  • The coastal belts of south India, Eastern and Western Ghats and North-East hilly regions are potential area where Anthurium cultivation can be taken up on a large scale.
  • Bestowed with natural wealth, the coffee belt along the Coorg district in Karnataka as many as 100 Anthurium growers, who have formed an Anthurium club to promote and safeguard the interest of Anthurium cultivation.
  • The Coorg Anthuriums are presently marketed in nearly cities like Bangalore, Mangalore, Mysore, Goa, etc., from where they reach other flower markets in Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata.
  • Anthurium cultivation on commercial scale is also concentrated around Pune, Nashik, Mumbai, Trivendrum, Cochin, etc. Sensing the potential of this crop, corporate houses are also enthused to cultivate exotic varieties imported mostly from Hawaii or the Netherlands.
  • De Orchids and Anthura (Mumbai), Noel Agri-tech (Mangalore), Eden Flora (Bengaluru) are few such enterprises.
Last modified: Monday, 11 June 2012, 6:24 AM