Growing environment

Growing environment

  • Diurnal temperature, light and humidity play a major role in the growth and flowering of Anthuriums.
  • For a luxuriant growth the cultivated Anthurium (A. andreanum and A. scherzerianum) required 18.3oC during night whereas
  • A higher night temperature of 21.2 to 23.9oC is essential for initiation of flowering.
  • Anthurium cannot tolerate freezing temperature. At the same time Anthuriums do not prefer temperatures above 35 oC.
  • If the temperature exceeds 35 degree centigrade coupled with low relative humidity leaf scorching is common.
  • Anthurium is basically a shade loving plant.
  • During summer where the light intensity is more, Anthurium plants have to be provided with 75 - 80% shade allowing only 20-25% of light to reach the plants.
  • The range of light intensity that suits Anthurium cultivation is 20000 to 25000 lux.
  • Higher light intensity coupled with low relative humidity and poor shading often results in scorching of young leaves and immature flower buds.
  • In places with moderate climate where the light intensity is not so high, the plants can be provided with 65 to 75% shade.
  • Anthuriums are tropical plants, requiring high temperature and relative humidity.
  • Anthuriums have a moderate to low light requirement and require 75 to 80% shade.
  • To ensure the highest possible production during winter the shading should be removed at the onset of winter.
  • In commercial practice it is advisable to have 50% shade, net on the top and a 25% shade net below it, so that the light levels at the plant growth can be modified depending upon the ambient light conditions.
  • Anthurium can be shaded with saran or with UV stabilized agro shade nets for providing uniform shading.
  • The shade nets can be operated manually by closely watching the external light intensity.
  • Anthurium thrives well in areas having high relative humidity levels, which are common in coastal areas of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Maharashtra, high rainfall areas of Western, Eastern Ghats and North Eastern hilly regions.
  • The optimum relative humidity levels range from 50 to 85% and at humidity levels less than 50%, the vegetative growth is slower and the flower development is poor.
Last modified: Monday, 11 June 2012, 6:29 AM