Growing structures

Growing structures

  • Depending upon the area of cultivation, the growing structures can be modified to suit the local climatic conditions.
  • In Commercial scale Anthurium cultivation can be taken up in
    • low cost polyhouses,
    • Shade houses or
    • Climate controlled green houses.


  • In areas where the relative humidity levels are low and the temperature levels are high, low cost poly houses are more suitable for commercial cultivation of Anthuriums.
  • By creating a protected climate by cladding UV stabilized polythene, the relative humidity levels can be easily maintained and by providing top or side ventilation, the hot air can be easily expelled.
  • Inside the poly house, the top portion can be provided with layers of two shade nets (50% and 25%).
  • If the light intensity is very high a thin film of calcium chloride or lime can be sprayed on the external surface of the poly house to reduce the incoming radiation.
  • low cost polyhouse
  • In many of the commercial Anthurium growing areas, shade houses are the most popular structures because of the simplicity of construction and low cost.
  • The shade houses can be constructed by taking the support of existing tree trunks if the Anthuriums are grown in multistoried plantation cropping.
  • In open areas wooden, granite or pillars can be erected at regular intervals connected by GI wires as a mesh on top.
  • Shade net can be covered on the top to provide the required shade 75%, (ie., 50 +25%, shade nets).
  • Provision can be made for installing overhead sprinkler/misters/fogging systems by running GI wires from one end to another end.
  • shade house
  • The capital investment and the level of sophistication is more in climate controlled green houses than the previous two structures.
  • Climate controlled green houses can be adopted for growing Anthuriums in areas where conditions of growing are not so congenial or
  • To produce top quality blooms exclusively for export markets.
  • Unless it is warranted it is not advisable to go for such capital intensive structures.
Last modified: Monday, 11 June 2012, 6:30 AM