Dyeing or Colouring

Dyeing or Colouring

  • It is essential for good appearance.
  • It is a determining factor in the pricing of the product.
  • Dyeing also serves as a preservative. It enhances the natural look and texture of the product.
  1. Dyeing by dusting
    • Chalk powder mixed with dye is applied on flower surface.
  2. Colouring of products using dyestuff with water
    • 1-4 kg dye and 5-20 liters of water is put in a small bucket to form a paste.
    • This paste is added to steam boiling water tank (800 l). About 2 l acetic acid is also added to the tank.
    • The product to be coloured is then dipped into the boiling water until the required shade is achieved.
    • In case of fragile product, Magnesium chloride is also added.
    • After colouring, product is placed in the open to dry.
  3. Colouring of product using dyestuffs with methanol
    • Methanol is diluted to 50 to 150 liters by adding water.
    • Dye paste is added to diluted methanol.
    • Products are dipped in methanol solution and immediately taken out and dried for a few minutes.
Last modified: Friday, 22 June 2012, 4:43 AM