Source of raw materials

Source of raw materials

  • Kolkata units procure their raw materials locally as well as from Madhya Pradesh, North eastern states, Bihar and South India.
  • Tuticorin units procure some of their raw materials from Pune and Nasik (Maharashtra) and M.P. Bilaspur (M.P.) remains a major source of raw material for both Kolkata and Tuticorin.
  • Most raw materials are collected year round from mountains, hills, valleys and deep sea by villagers and trained rural labour and supplied to the units either directly or through collection agents.
  • Whole process is quite informal and traditional 20 per cent of raw material is cultivated and 80 per cent is collected from the wild.
  • India’s diversity in topography and climatic conditions makes it rich in plant material and hence, India can emerge as the leader supplier of dried plant material
Last modified: Monday, 28 May 2012, 5:11 AM