Farm and Home Visit

Lesson 7 : Individual Contact Methods

Farm and Home Visit

Farm and Home Visit is a direct, face –to – face contact by the extension agent with the farmer or homemaker at their farm or home for extension work

Objectives Farm and Home Visit

  1. To get acquainted with and gain confidence of farmers and homemakers
  2. To obtain and or give firsthand information on matters relating to farm and home
  3. To advise and assist in solving specific problems, and teach skills
  4. To sustain interest

Principles or Procedure to be followed:

  1. Decide upon the place of the farm and home visit in the teaching plan outlined to advance a particular phase of the extension programme

    • Consider alternative methods which might be employed
    • Decide whether the visits are primarily for direct teaching or are needed to increase the effectiveness of group methods and mass media

  2. Clarify the purpose of the visit – which are the purposes mentioned above are expected to be achieved by the visit

  3. Plan the visit:

    • Review previous contacts with members of family
    • Check subject matter information likely to be needed- leaflets or bulletins etc.
    • Workout schedule of visits in the community to save time
    • Remote and unfrequented homes should always be kept in view
    • Consider best approach in view of individual family situation
    • Be accurate in your statements
    • Do not prolong arguments
    • Leave clear impression as to object of visit
    • If possible, hand over a folder or bulletin etc. pertaining to the topic discussed
    • Leave the farm or home as a friend

  4. Make the visit:

    • Punctuality and consideration for the time of the farm women should always be borne in mind. Contact the farm women preferable when she is on the job
    • Be friendly, sympathetic and complimentary
    • Gain and deserve interviewee’s confidence
    • Let the farm women do most of the talking
    • Speak only when she is willing to hear
    • Talk in term of her interest
    • Use natural and easy language, speak slowly and cheerfully

  5. Record the visit:

    • Date, purpose of visit, what was accomplished and follow up commitments made
    • Make sure through appropriate office device that follow-up at appropriate time is not overlooked

  6. Follow up the visit:

    • Send applicable literature or other things by post or other-wise
    • Extend invitation to attend a meeting, if any on the concerned topic
    • Make subsequent visits if and when required

Advantages Farm and Home Visit:

  1. Provides extension worker with first-hand knowledge of farm and home conditions, and the view points of farm people
  2. If made on request, the farmer or home –maker is likely to be ready to learn
  3. The ratio of ‘’takes (acceptance) to ‘’exposures’’ (efforts) is high
  4. Builds confidence between the extension worker and the farmer
  5. May increase greatly the effectiveness of group methods and mass media
  6. Contributes to selection of better local leaders, and mass media
  7. Contributes to selection of better local leaders, demonstrators and co-operators
  8. Develops good public relations
  9. Useful in contacting those who do not participate in extension activities and who are not reached by mass media

Limitations Farm and Home Visit

  • Only limited number of contacts may be made
  • Time consuming and costly method
  • Attention may be concentrated on a few big and progressive persons; neglecting the large number of small, marginal, tribal farmers; landless labour and backward people which may prejudice them
Last modified: Wednesday, 30 November 2011, 5:51 AM