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18 February - 24 February
25 February - 3 March
4 March - 10 March
11 March - 17 March
18 March - 24 March
25 March - 31 March
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8 April - 14 April
15 April - 21 April
22 April - 28 April
Salinity of Sea water
It is well known that sea water is salty. The reason for the oceans to be salty or saline is that all salts and other mineral elements have been washed away from the land to sea by rain over billions of years. All the rivers on the earth contribute to the oceans large quantities of dissolved solids every year. The total amount of salts in the oceans is estimated to be about 5 x 1019 kg. Table 2. Different salts in seawater
Last modified: Friday, 16 March 2012, 6:18 AM