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Current course
18 February - 24 February
25 February - 3 March
4 March - 10 March
11 March - 17 March
18 March - 24 March
25 March - 31 March
1 April - 7 April
8 April - 14 April
15 April - 21 April
22 April - 28 April
Water masses of South Indian Ocean
1. Indian ocean control water mass 2. Upper water masses in the south-east Indian ocean 3. Surface and near surface group of water masses in Southwest Indian Ocean 4. Antartic intermediate water mass 5. Watermasses in intermediate depths of the Southeast Indian Ocean. 6. Intermediate watermasses in the Southwest Indian ocean 7. South Indian Deep water mass |
Last modified: Thursday, 24 November 2011, 7:02 AM