7.1.2.Case history and clinical sign in diagnosis

7.1.2.Case history and clinical sign in diagnosis

Case history of the infection from a farm or sample received is very important as it would give a presumptive idea about the nature of problem that caused the infection. Associated with this the fish or shrimp has to be examined for any clinical signs indicative of a diseased condition. This may include a behavioural change or morphological abnormality. While many of the clinical signs may not give direct indication of the aetiology of infection, these combined with the other diagnostic tests would aid in confirmatory diagnosis of a disease condition in fish or shrimp.

Behavioural changes in fish

Reduces or stop feeding

Viral, bacterial, parasitic and environmental

Lethargic swimming

Viral, bacterial, parasitic, fungal and water quality

Spinning, erratic swimming

Viral, parasitic or toxicants.

All samples of shrimps collected for disease diagnosis should be accompanied by the following supporting information wherever possible:

¨ Behavioural changes noticed for the last few days

¨ Brief history of the environmental parameters

¨ Clinical signs including external pathology and morphological symptoms

¨ Farming details followed like details of feed, consumption rates previous disease history and any chemical treatments or other inputs used

¨ Mortality and morbidity pattern

¨ History of the farmed animals including origin, date of stocking and previous health status

Last modified: Monday, 30 January 2012, 9:02 AM