Composition and Uses
- The fruit is a rich source of vitamin-C (66mg), (A, B12) minerals (Ca, P, Fe), Carbohydrates (19-8g) protein (0.5g), citric acid, fibre, fat (0.6g), phytin (0.68 Percent). The delieate aril flavour is due to hexyl acetate and cis-hex-3-enyl-acetate and Cis-hex-3-eno and 6 sesquiterpenes have also been identified.
- Mangosteens are usually eaten fresh as dessert. It serves as topping for ice-creams, canning, acid fruits for preserving, jam. The seeds sometimes eaten after boiling or roasting. The twigs are used as chewstics in Ghana. The fruits contain 7-14% catachin, tannin and rosin and are used for tanning leather in China. It also yields black dye. The rind and bark are used in traditional medicine. The wood is dark red, coarse and strong and can be used in carpentry works. The bark extract & rind powder called as “amibiasine” used to treat amoebic dysentery and diarrhea.
Last modified: Saturday, 19 May 2012, 10:21 AM