Propogation and planting

Propogation and planting

    • Tamarind is propagated mainly by seeds, budding, cuttings, layering, approach grafting, the most appropriate technique (in-situ soft wood grafting on 1 year old rootstock).
    • To raise seedlings for 1 hectare – 2.0 – 2.5 kg seeds is needed.
    • Seedlings ready for planting in July – August planting is done in 75 cm3 pits, the tap roots are trimmed at the time of planting, it should be planted at 4 x 4 / 5 x 5 m. at beginning, which remains after thinning twice or thrice 12 x 12 / 15 x 15 m.

Last modified: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 8:47 PM