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Fruiting, harvesting and Post harvest handling
Fruiting – Seedling tree of tamarind comes to bearing in 10 – 14 years after planting, whereas, vegetatively propagated tree requires 7- 8 years. Flowering starts from April – June and pods ripen from Feb – April. The productive life of tree remains up to 60-70 years.
Harvesting – Both immature and mature fruits are harvested depending upon demand and their uses. Harvesting is done by collecting individual fruits with fruit picker or some times a man can climb on the tree and shakes the branches. The exocarp of mature fruit gets hardened and gets separated from the pulp. A fully developed tree can give about 200 – 250 kg fruits / year. Post harvest handling – After harvest the fruits are allowed to dry and their hard shell is removed. Some times the seeds are also taken out and fruits are made in to tamarind bells and marketed. Under ordinary conditions the pulp remains good for about a year provided it is kept in dry condition. |
Last modified: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 8:51 PM