Rhizopus rot

Rhizopus rot

    Rhizopus rot or soft rot
    Causal Organism: Rhizopus stolonifer
    Rhizopus fruit rot or watery fruit rot develops on injured fruits producing irregular, water soaked lesions. These lesions are in due course, covered with whitish fungal growth which later turns dark brown. The fruit becomes watery and emit foul smell. Infection spreads quickly to the adjoining fruits.
    Causal Organism
    The sporangiophores are produced on arching stolons, usually borne on opposite tuft of rhizoids and typically unbranched sporangiophores.
    Factors such as nature and type of wounds, rainfall, pre and post harvest treatments and shipment conditions influence the development of rot.

Last modified: Monday, 23 January 2012, 6:45 AM