Parental Incapacity

Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 11 : Roles and Responsibilities of Community

Parental Incapacity

Inadequate role implementation sometimes results from incapacity. The role incumbent may be physically present and want to fulfill his role requirements but may be incapacitated by physical, mental or emotional inadequacy or lack of knowledge. Example: A physically handicapped may find it difficult to meet the demands of an active healthy child. A mentally deficient mother may be incapable of learning the essential routines of child care. A mother who is emotionally immature cannot meet the dependent needs of her infant child. Sometimes addition to drugs or alcohol may render a parent incapable of providing adequate physical and emotional care for his children. In all of the these cases, therefore the role of the parent is inadequately implemented and the child suffers, child welfare services are an appropriate remedial resource.

Last modified: Tuesday, 27 November 2012, 10:32 PM