Child incapacity or handicap

Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 11 : Roles and Responsibilities of Community

Child incapacity or handicap

Inadequate role implementation also results from excessive demands on the role incumbents. The physically handicapped or emotionally disturbed child is incapable of performing the role normally required of a child. Such a child imposes on its parents a burden of care, specialized knowledge, patience and control beyond that which any society can normally expect of them and the possibility of adequately meeting the needs of such a child is reduced. The child’s failures to meet the expectations of the parents robs them of the emotional satisfaction that is the rewards of fulfilling their many parental obligations and duties and make it even more difficult for them to perform the parental role adequately. In such cases, the provision of child welfare services is appropriate.

Last modified: Tuesday, 27 November 2012, 10:34 PM