Active rickets ( in children) Epiphyseal enlargement (over 6 months of age), painless beading of ribs Craniotabes(under 1 year of age) Muscular hypotonia.
Healed rickets(in children or adults) Frontal and parietal bossing, Knock-knees or bow-legs, deformities of thorax.
Osteomalacia( in adults) Local or generalized skeletal deformities.
Iron deficiency
Pallor of mucous membranes
Atrophic lingual papillae.
Iodine deficiency Enlargement of thyroid Excess of fluorine (Fluorosis)
Mottled dental enamel, (difficult to distinguish in early stages from enamel hypoplasia).
Last modified: Wednesday, 30 November 2011, 12:07 PM