The environment of animal rearing and slaughtering effects the quality of meat.The animal feed and the nutritional quality effects the overall quality of animal food.Whole some quality food can only be produced from health animals kept in hygienic conditions an husbandry systems that cause them minimal stress, combined with the responsible use of medicinal products. The safety and quality of animal food can be achieved only when the animals are kept free from contamination.
Environmental factors (Change title)
General climate conditions are dictated by nature and are not altered by human activity. High average temperature and drought in the growing season decreases the yield and increases the contents of nitrates and heavy metals in crops and the opposite- moderate average temperature and sufficient water content- increases the yield and decreases the concentration of the aforementioned substances in crops.
Environmental factors including light, temperature, and moisture have pronounced effects on fruit texture. There have been numerous reports on the variation in fruit texture among seasons and locations. Intensity of solar radiation affects fruit texture
Exposure to excessive sunlight can result in sunscald or sunburn Cultivation conditions such as soil conditions, sowing conditions also play a major role in quality of food. Example levels of nitrogen fertilization at sowing time will determine the level of beta carotene in carrots. Genetic background of a particular species is responsible for its quality parameters. Some species will have more ability to accumulate contaminants and some are not. Similarly some species do have the capacity to accumulate the desirable compounds such as vitamins, sugars; amino acids etc. and some are not.
Last modified: Thursday, 16 February 2012, 6:35 AM