Shape and Form

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Lesson 3 : Elements and Principles Applicable to Garments

Shape and Form

Shape and form are the basic elements of design.
Shape is a flat, two dimensional area enclosed by a line. The shapes are composed of lines; hence their direction and character modify the apparent size and shape of the wearer besides communicating emotions and state of mind.

Form is a three dimensional area with height, breadth and depth measurements, enclosed by a surface. These may vary in size or in the area they occupy. Since forms are also composed of lines, their characteristics affect the functions of form in the garment as follows:

  1. affect the size of the wearer
  2. accentuate the desirable features and camouflage the undesirable features of the wearer
Last modified: Tuesday, 24 January 2012, 10:58 AM