
Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Lesson 3 : Elements and Principles Applicable to Garments


Proportion defines the relative size and scale of the various elements in a design. The components of apparel design cannot be evaluated as isolated sections but as a single composite entity. It refers to the relationshipbetween objects, or parts, of a whole. Every thing existing in nature and appearing pleasing follow golden mean proportion. Hence the pleasing garment also follows it. Proportion also depends on functionality of object. The relationships of proportion can work on any or all of following four levels:

  • Within one part of a 1design
  • Among different parts of a design
  • Between a part to whole design
  • Whole design to environment

Also the use of appropriate scale in surface design is also important otherwise the element will overpower the form of a garment.The scale has powerful visual effects and invokes geometric and size and space illusion.

Last modified: Tuesday, 24 January 2012, 1:04 PM