Shape and space illusions

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Physical effects & Psychological effects

Physical effects

The lines in the garments create physical effects due to its various aspects as follows:

  • The path of the line emphasizes body contours; straight lines oppose body curves tend to be figure concealing and curved line emphasizes angularity and roundness
  • The thickness of the line affects weight; adds or minimize weight
  • The continuity line reinforces smooth lines, emphasizes body bulges and the broken lines emphasize irregularities
  • The line edge emphasizes area; either smooth or gently increase in area and size
  • Vertical lines emphasize longitudinal direction and add length while short line breaks the spaces
  • The direction of line increases or decreases lengthen/ narrows and shorten/widen

Thus by the use of lines of different size, shape, thickness, continuity, path, direction in the garment one can emphasize the good features and camouflage the undesirable ones to enhance the body structure and appearance.

Psychological effects

The lines in the garments also convey the mood and personality of the wearer.

  • Use of straight and curved line in a garment reflects masculinity or femininity respectively.
  • Vertical line/ straight or bold lines communicates the feeling of dignity, strength, stability, rigidity, grandeur, gentleness, poise and also express force and alertness. Smooth vertical lines convey preciseness, steadiness, and stiffness.
  • Horizontal, straight, continuous, smooth line running crosswise adds weight to the garment and suggests a feeling of rest, repose, quietness, calmness, passivity and serenity
  • Garments with sharp points imply crispness and liveliness whereas curves communicate a feeling of softness and femininity. Both depict youth behavior.
Last modified: Wednesday, 25 January 2012, 10:58 AM