Shape and space illusions

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Shape and space illusions

The optical illusion created by the shape and space are as follows:

The width of panel, Fig. 4.15 (a, b) showed that the garment with broader centre panel would give overall narrow effect whereas the garment with narrow panel would produce broader effect. These illusions can be applied in dress by using panels in contrasting colour in the dress.


  • The size of object and their grouping will create emphasis in the design thereby diverting the attention of the observer from less desired feature of wearer. These illusions add apparent width and narrowing effect in the dress.
  • the filled and unfilled space Fig. 4.16(I) a,b,c . Garment showing filled and unfilled spaces Fig. 4.16 (II)

  • r

  • small and large area Fig. 4.17 a,b
  • the figure and ground illusion Fig. 4.18
Last modified: Wednesday, 25 January 2012, 10:47 AM