Guidelines for choosing shape and form

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Lesson 5 : Shape, Space And Silhouette

Guidelines for choosing shape and form

The shapes and forms incorporated in the garment not only enhance appearance of the wearer by affecting their beauty but also create false impression about the apparent size of the wearer and play important role in conveying his mood in a specific situation. So care must be taken for their appropriate use in the garments. A few basic guidelines for choosing shapes and forms for a garment are as follows:

  • decide on number of shapes or forms to be used in the garments; it may be one or in combinations; when combination of shapes or forms are used, they interact with each other and create an summative impression, so they should be chosen on the basis whether one need to reinforce, modify or obscure the dominant characteristics of direction and shape in the garment. This calls for an understanding about:
    • where lines, shapes, forms and spaces have to be repeated or resembled in a form or direction, so that they reinforce its effects
    • where new lines, shapes and spaces have to be countered or varied from original shape, so that its effects will be modified,
    • where countering is extreme, or additional lines, spaces and shapes are different, such that the original form will be lost, new ones are created and its effect will be destroyed.

The effective garment thus has a harmonious relationship among shapes of parts and between parts and the whole to reflect its integrated composition and unity to convey the beauty and mood of the wearer.

Last modified: Friday, 27 January 2012, 7:00 AM