Determining Methods of Accessing Data

Marketing Management 3(2+1)

Lesson 09 : Marketing Research

Determining Methods of Accessing Data

The next step requires gathering primary research and performing a formal research project. The purpose is for the research to identify what customers think about some topic or behavior patterns. Questioning can be qualitative or quantitative.

  1. Qualitative research utilizes open-ended questions to obtain in-depth answers. It uses an inductive method, that is, data relevant to some topics are collected and grouped into appropriate meaningful categories. The two main methods for collecting qualitative data are
    • Direct Collection Method-When the data is collected directly, it makes use of disguised method. This method makes use of-
      • Focus Groups – known as group interviews or group discussions aimed at understanding the attitude and behavior of the audience. Research will probe into specific areas that are of interest to the company commissioning the research.
      • Depth Interview – a small sample is used and one to one personal interviews are also conducted. Elaborate data concerning the respondents opinions, values, motivation, expression, feeling etc are obtained which takes a long time. Good rapport yields success in this method.
      • Case Study - individual cases are studied in depth so that it leads to detailed analysis but with lot of time consumption.
    • Indirect Collection-Method
      • Projective Techniques - have been developed by the psychologists, which are indirect and unstructured methods of investigation. These are useful in giving respondents opportunities to express their attitudes without personal embarrassment especially in researches or in attitude surveys.

  2. Quantitative Research quantifies the data and generalizes the results from the sample to the population. Data can be collected by two methods
    • Survey Method - is the technique of gathering data by asking questions to people who are thought to have desired information. A list of questions are prepared and asked. The data obtained is relatively simple to analyze, quote and interrelate.
      Methods of collecting data include:
      • Telephonic Interview- the best method for gathering quickly needed information. It is less costly method and there are less administration problems. This format has gained popularity due to the speed and high response rates.
      • Personal Interview – a random selection of consumers is questioned which helps in observing even their non-verbal responses. In-depth research and verification of data from other sources is possible. Interviews when conducted on site, the cost of locating consumers is also reduced.
      • Mail Survey – this is the most appropriate way of gathering primary data. The response rate would not be more than 5-10 percent. As questionnaires are sent via mail and internet, consumers would respond as per their convenience. But questions must be simple, direct and easy to follow as there will be no person to assist them.
      • Electronic Interview- it is a process of recognizing and noting people, objects, occurrences rather than asking for information. Eg.-When a person goes to store, it can be noticed about a product which people like to use. The data is more accurate and objective.The Universal Product Code (UPC) is also a method of observing what people are buying.
    • Observation Methodit is a process of collecting information by observing what people actually do or what events take place during a buying or consumption situation
Last modified: Saturday, 17 December 2011, 6:41 AM