Principles of planning diets

Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition 3(2+1)
Lesson 3:Meal planning

Principles of planning diets

  1. Meal planning should meet nutritional requirements
    • A good menu is one which will not only provide adequate calories, fat and proteins but also minerals and vitamins essential for physical well being of each member of family.
    • In a balanced diet the ratio of energy distribution from carbohydrates:
      proteins: fats should be 7: 1: 2.
    • Diet should include basic five food groups.
  2. Meal pattern must fulfil the family needs
    • A meal should cater to the needs of different members in the family
    • Meal pattern varies with age/ occupation / life style of the family members
    • The family meal must offer children enough fat and flexibility in caloric density so that their energy needs are met.
  3. Meal planning should save time and energy
    • Recipes should be simple and nutritious.
    • Labour and time saving devices can be used
    • Convenience foods can be used to save time and energy
  4. Meal planning should satisfy the budget of family
    • Cost of meals can be decreased by bulk purchasing and using seasonal fruits and vegetables.
  5. Meal plan should give maximum nutrients
    • Losses of nutrients during processing / cooking should be minimized
    • Sprouted grams / malted cereals / fermented foods enhance the nutritive value
    • Pressure cooking can be used to conserve the nutrients
  6. Consideration for individual likes and dislikes
    • Meal plan should not only meet RDA but also individual preferences
    • Veg/non- veg; likes/dislikes; religion; traditions; customs.
  7. Meal planning should provide variety
    • If the meals are monotonous, it will not be interesting to consume.
    • Create variety by introducing changes in colour/ texture/ taste etc by using different foods/ foods of different colours/different cooking methods
  8. Meals should give satiety
    • Each meal should have some amount of fat, protein, fiber etc to get satiety.
    • Intervals between meals should be considered
  9. Meal planning should be according to the availability of foods
    • Menus should include locally available foods
    • Wide variety in dietary pattern depends on available food supply.
Last modified: Saturday, 22 October 2011, 10:34 AM