Merits of formal communication

Merits of formal communication

  • Correct information: Since communication is usually in written form the chances of incorrect information are very few or no wrong information is communicated.

  • Existence of authority: In this system there are officially recognized and fixed positions as to who is boss and who is the subordinate. Superiors can therefore command subordinates to get things done.

  • Message handling: Handling of all categories of messages within a short time and with clear understanding occurs.

  • Absence of leaders: In formal communication there is no place for any one person or a communication leader to spread messages like in a rural community. The boss or superior is not necessarily a leader.

  • Uniformity in transmission: In a formal communication each position transmits the message to another in the order of line. There is no place for wrong interpretations, bias, misunderstanding, etc.

  • Organizational efficiency: Organizational efficiency is a must to accomplish goals. The formal communication is inbuilt and planned and is part and parcel of the organizational process.

Last modified: Wednesday, 18 January 2012, 11:49 AM