
Lesson 15:History of extension programmes


A widely accepted and well recognized view regarding extension is education and its aim is to bring the desirable change in human behaviour. With this intention extension programmes and activities are in existence as early as pre independence era. The extension in pre-independence era explained here.

Before British entry into our country, the villages were self-contained, self-sufficient and self-governed units due to existence of planned social systems hence need for welfare was not felt before British period. With the invasion of foreigners and Moghul rule, people felt the need for rural reconstruction. Later with the entry of British, the concept was further strengthened.

Extension activities initially started in the last quarter of 19th century. As a remedial measure to overcome the disaster due to 18 famines that occurred during last quarter of 19th century, the British has appointed a commission which recommended rural development activities. Consequently, the following developments occurred.

  • Land Improvement Loans Act and Agricultural Loans Act 1888
  • Cooperative Act of 1904 and the amendment in the Cooperative ACT in 1912
  • Establishment of developmental departments like Agriculture, Veterinary , Animal husbandry and Irrigation.
  • Irrigation projects to control famine.
  • Establishment of Rural Construction Departments or Village Uplift Boards in 1935 with the financial assistance from Central Government.

These departments lacked people’s participation, cooperation and involvement and remained as supply agencies. The extension agents exercised boss approach than as guides or teachers. From this point onwards, extension activities were initiated by different agencies as developmental programmes. They can be divided into four parts:

  1. Pre-Independence Programmes -1866-1947
  2. Post-Independence Programmes -1947-1953
  3. Community Development and National Extension Scheme -1953-1960
  4. Intensive Agricultural Era -1960 on wards

Last modified: Tuesday, 1 November 2011, 9:48 AM