
Nutrition for Special Groups 3(3+0)

Lesson 1 : Overview of Groups With Special Nutritional Needs


Nutrient requirements vary with stage of growth, age, physical work carried out, physiological condition etc. Even among these groups, there are some with special needs. Such groups include young infants, pre school children, adolescents, women in the reproductive age group, pregnant and lactating women – all of them are important because of their age and physiological conditions. Any neglect or deviation from meeting their special nutritional needs at this stage could cause a permanent problem. Then there are groups like sports persons, astronauts, industrial workers who need a different type of nutrition because of the nature of their physical work. We also come across people with certain disease conditions which drastically change their nutrient requirement. These conditions include HIV/AIDS, cancer, burns, surgery, trauma etc. A knowledge of the special needs of these special groups is necessary if their nutritional status and well being is to be taken care of.

Last modified: Tuesday, 1 May 2012, 11:27 AM