2. Coconut skipper

2. Coconut skipper - Gangara thyrsis Moore. (Hesperidia: Lepideptera)

    • The caterpillar constructed tubes out of the leaves and feed from within on the leaf blade leaving behind only the ribs.
    • The adult butterfly is brownish, 80 mm in wing expanse with brownish wings bearing 6 yellow spots on fore wings.
    • It lays eggs in irregular masses.
    • The incubation period is 7 days.
    • The caterpillar is pale green with reddish markings but the body is concealed in a covering of white waxy filaments.
    • The larval period is 35 days.
    • It pupates in the leaf tube for a period of about 10 days.

Last modified: Thursday, 2 February 2012, 11:41 PM