4. Slug caterpillar

4. Slug caterpillar - Conthyla rotunda H. (Cochlididae: Lepidoptera)

    • The caterpillar feeds on leaves causing severe defoliation.
    • Besides it also feeds and damages spathes, flowering shoots and rind of young fruits.
    • The moth is greyish brown to dark grey in colour.
    • It lays the eggs on the under surface of leaves.
    • Fecundity is about 215 eggs / female.
    • The egg period last for 3-6 days.
    • The slug like caterpillar is spiny with two grey stripes dorsally.
    • The larval period is 27-48 days.
    • It pupates in shell like cocoon of brown silk for 10-14 days

    Slug caterpillar

    • Set up light traps to monitor and kill the adult moths.
    • Spray the crown with carbaryl 0.1 % (or) dichlorovos 0.02 % or malathion 0.05 % solution.
    • In severe cases, root feeding of monocrotophos as explained earlier under leaf eating caterpillar may be taken up with safety precautions.
    • Collect all the stages of pests viz. eggs on tree trunks, leaves, larvae during migration stage, pupae in soil and leaf sheath and adult moth during emergence and destruction.
    • Organise mass collection campaign involving farmers, school children and college students.
    • Spray dichlorovos @ 2 ml / litre using specially designed tractor mounted tall tree sprayer.
    • Dust methyl parathion or endosulfan dust @ 1 kg / tree using power operated bellowed crane duster to reach tall trees.
    • Encourage the predatory birds to pick up the larval stages.

Last modified: Friday, 3 February 2012, 5:38 PM