3. Mealy bug
3. Mealy bug - Pseudococcus longispinus Targ. (Pseudococcidae: Hemiptera)
- It infests the tender unopened fronds, which fail to grow resulting stunted, deformed and suppressed.
- It also infests the inflorescence and nuts causing button shedding.
- The mealy bug colonies remain inside the perianth and suck the sap leading to the drying of nuts.
- When the nuts are completely dried the bugs are distributed by ants to the newly formed inflorescence.
- In bearing trees the damage is caused both to the spindle leaf and to the buttons.
- It is a tiny insect covered with white mealy coating.
- The mealy bug is attended by several species of ants, which feeds on the honey dew secretions of the bugs.
- Spread open two or three leaf axils surrounding the spindle leaf.
- Clean the crown of all the dried bunches to prevent the spread of the-bugs to the newly formed bunches.
- Spray quinalphos or dimethoate or Dimethoate at 0.03 % covering the spindle leaf, leaf axis and young bunches.
Last modified: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 6:28 AM