1. Inflorescence caterpillar

1. Inflorescence caterpillar-Tirathaba mundella Wlk. (Pyraustidae: Lpidoptera)

    • Tender branches of inflorescence are webbed together with silken threads of caterpillar.
    • Wet mass of excreta protrudes out of the web.
    • Bore holes are seen at the base of unopened spathes and buttons, which are plugged with excreta.
    • Larva is dirty yellow or white with brown head.
    • Adult moth is small with ashy wings.
    • Eggs are laid on tender spathes.
    • Egg, larval and pupal periods last for 5, 25 and 10 days respectively.
    • Pupation occurs within galleries.

Last modified: Friday, 3 February 2012, 9:43 PM