3. Slug caterpillar

3. Slug caterpillar - Parasa lepida Cram. (Coehlididae: Lepidoptera)

    • The caterpillar feeds on the leaves gregariously in the beginning, subsequently they disperse.
    • It causes severe defoliation.
    • The adult moth is stout with wing expanse of 4.0 cm and having green wings fringed with brown patches.
    • The eggs are laid in batches of 10-15 on the under surface of leaves.
    • The eggs are ovals flat scale- like in shape.
    • The fecundity is on an average 167 eggs / female. The egg period is 7 days.
    • The caterpillar is fleshy, slug-like with yellowish green body bearing a greenish blue stripe dorsally and yellowish green stripes laterally.
    • The larval period is 5-6 weeks undergoes seven instars.
    • It pupates in a hard shield - like greyish cocoon on the tree trunks for 4-5 weeks.

Last modified: Thursday, 2 February 2012, 11:43 PM