3. Bunch caterpillar

3. Bunch caterpillar - Andraca bipunctata Wlk. (Bombycidae: Lepidoptera)

    • The caterpillar feeds on the surface tissues and later on leaf blades causing defoliation.
    • It remain clustered in characteristic bunches on branches hence the name bunch caterpillar.
    • The adult moth is brownish with dark wavy lines on the wings and two white spots distally on fore wings.
    • It lays eggs in clusters of up to 120 eggs on the undersurface of leaves.
    • Fecundity is about 500 eggs/female. The egg period is 10-11 days.
    • The larva is smooth, greyish in colour with brown patches.
    • It pupates on the ground among dried up leaves. The pupal period is about 16-29 days.
    • Collect and kill the caterpillar
    • Spray malathion 50 EC at 2ml/lit of water.

Last modified: Tuesday, 3 April 2012, 9:08 PM