1. Red spider mite

1. Red spider mite - Oligonychus coffeae Nietn. (Tetranyehidae: Acarina)

    • It infests the upper surface of the older leaves making webbing on the leaf surface for shelter.
    • When the infestation is higher the young leaves may also get attacked which turn brownish, dry up and fall.
    • The adult mite is rounded and brick red in colour.
    • It lays eggs singly on the surface of leaves mostly along the midrib and veins.
    • Fecundity is about 137 eggs / female.
    • The egg period is 4-6 days.
    • The larval stage is followed by two nymphal stages.
    • The larval nymphal period occupies 6-8 days.

Last modified: Wednesday, 1 February 2012, 9:58 PM