1. Green Scale

1. Green Scale - Coccus viridis (Coccidae: Homoptera)

    • Green scale is an important sucking pest of Arabica, but attacks robusta also.
    Life history
    • The adult scale is flat, oval, light green with an irregular dark distinct loop on the middle of the dorsum.
    • The adult is sedentary and spends its whole life in one place, it lays 50-60 eggs.
    • The duration of the life cycle is 4-6 weeks.
    • Adult lives up to 2-5 months.
    • The scale attacks tender parts, setting down on the underside of the leaves close to midrib, veins, and tips of green shoots.
    • The continuous sucking results in excess loss of sap from the plant which leads to debilitation of the older plants and death of nursery plants.
    • The honey dew secreted by the scale forms a film on the leaves and a black fungus (sooty mould) grows on it, which hinders photosynthesis.
    Coffee green scale
    Ant association
    • Association of ants with green scale is similar to that explained for mealybugs.
    Control measures
    • Maintain optimum shade
    • Control ants by dusting quinalphos 1.5% or methyl parathion 2% or malathion 5% dust around the base of the bush and shade trees. Destroy ant nests.
    • Remove and destroy weeds, as many of them harbor the pest.
    • Use recommended dose of insecticide when the attack is above ETL.

Last modified: Tuesday, 3 April 2012, 8:50 PM