Distribution, hosts and natural enemies of pests of Coffee
Common name
Scientific name
Natural enemies
White stem borer
Xylotrechits quadripes Chevrolat
South India, Assam, Burma, Srilanka, Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia.
Coffee, Ixora Olea dioica
Parasitoid Metapdma sp.
Red borer
Zeuzera cqffeae Nietn
India, Malaysia
Cocoa, coffee
Shot-hole borer
Xylosandms compactus Eichhoff
India, Papua, Madagascar, South-East Asia and New Guinea
coffee, tea, citrus, avocado, castor, rubber, cinchona etc.
Coffee berry borer
Hypothenemus hampei Ferr.
Tropical Africa India, Srilanka, South East Asia Indonesia, Brazil New Guinea, Colombia, Surinam.
Coffee, hibiscus, Rubiaceae Leguminous plants
Predators Uganda Wasp - Prorps nasuta Waterston
Coffee green scale
Coccus viridis Green.
India, Ceylon, Burma, Bangladesh, Thailand, Malayia.
Coffee, citrus guava, mango and tea.
Brown scale
Saisettia coffeae Wlk.
Coffee, citrus, ea, guava and mango
Parasitoids Aneristrus ceroplastae How. Coccophagus flavescens How. Coccophagus cowperi Gir.
Striped mealy bug
Ferrisia Virgata Ckll.
Pan tropical, India, Srilanka, Pakistan, Burma, Bangladesh and Malaysia.
Coffee, cocoa, cotton, jute, citrus, beans, groundnut, cassava, sugarcane, sweet potato, guava, cashew and tomato