Clinical signs of Azoturia


  • Signs develop within 15 minutes to 1 hour on work. Signs may disappear in few hours if the horse is given complete rest immediately, but the condition usually progress to recumbency.
  • First assume a dog sitting posture followed by lateral recumbency.
  • Severe pain, restlessness, struggling and repeated attempt to rise.
  • Respiration rapid.
  • Small pulse.
  • Temperature increased in severe cases.
  • One or all four limbs may be affected; commonly both hind limbs are involved.
  • Quadriceps femoris and gluteal muscles are hard and board like.
  • Urine-dark brown colour.
  • Lameness-restriction of hind limbs movement. If exercise is stopped as soon as lameness occurs the horse may recover in 2-4 days.
  • Prognosis is good if the animal remains standing.
Last modified: Saturday, 17 December 2011, 12:34 PM