Synonyms and introduction
Synonyms : African pig disease, Wart hog disease
African swine fever (ASF) highly contagious, mostly acute, febrile disease of domestic swine with cyanosis of the skin, hemorrhages of the lymph nodes, kidney, and gastrointestinal mucosa.
African swine fever virus (ASFV) belonging to Iridovirus group.
The ASFV is immunologically different from swine fever virus.
The pigs immunized against swine fever are susceptible to ASF.
Domestic pigs, Wart hogs, forest hogs and bush pigs are reservoirs.
The virus can be cultivated in developing chicken embryo and tissue culture.
Domestic pigs get the infection when they have close contact with the wild pigs.
Virus is transmitted via aerosol.
The virus is abundantly present in all the secretions and excretions of the affected pigs.
The virus is also transmitted through ticks and lice.
Mortality is usually 100% in infected pigs. Recovered pigs are the carriers of disease.
Last modified: Sunday, 3 June 2012, 10:10 AM