Manures and fertilizers

Manures and fertilizers

  • The recommended dose of manure is 25-50 tonnes per ha. in the form FYM, compost or supplemented with castor cake, linseed cake, sesamum cake or neem cake are applied as manure @ 15 quintals/ha. The cake is first rotted in water in a big earthen pot for 6-8 days. Then it is applied in the form of a slurry. Oilcakes in powder form are also applied in the rainy season. The NPK fertilizers @ 200:100:100 kg/ha/year has to be applied in 4-5 splits doses at 2-3 months intervals. In betelvine normally chemical fertilizers are not used, however the adequate quantity of manures should be applied for better growth and yield of seeds.
Last modified: Monday, 18 June 2012, 6:08 AM