There is a need to educate the consumer on benefits of processed foods such as cleanliness, wholesomeness, hygiene, proper weighing and strict quality control.
Right product positioning
A proper market survey should be conducted to find out need for particular type of food. The marketing strategies should be evolved to reach the consumer.
Right packing
Packing should retain the quality of product and enhance its shelf life.
The pack has to be attractive to evoke consumer interest.
The right quantity should be in the pack.
Right price
Pricing should be such that it induces repeated purchasing. The product should not be beyond the reach of an average consumer
Right promotional channel
The media and promotional avenues have improved dramatically over the past few years.
The increased television coverage provides an excellent opportunity for manufacturers to communicate with the consumer.
Product range and end user
Previously the convenience foods were based on western palate. These foods have to be modified based on Indian food habits and palates of consumers.
The ethnic foods for groups of different regions have to be considered while manufacturing them.
The right distribution channels
The industry cannot create a totally new distribution network. The existing channels have been made use.
The retail outlet can be decided based on whether the product should be made available everywhere or only through specialty stores.
It would be pertinent to see as to what the consumer expects from the processing food industry. Convenience is the form of labour and time saving, variety, taste, nutrition, assured quality and good value for money. An optimum mix of all these is desired by a housewife.
If marketing has to achieve the task ahead, it should streamline its action to meet the challenges.