A balanced diet may be defined as one which contains the various groups of food stuffs such as energy yielding foods, body building foods and protective foods in the correct proportions so that an individual is assured of obtaining the minimum requirements of all nutrients.
The components of a balanced diet will differ according to age, sex, physical activity, economic status and the physiological state viz., pregnancy, lactation etc.,
In addition a balanced diet should also provide biochemical compounds such as dietary fiber, antioxidants and nutraceuticals which have positive health benefits.
A balanced diet should provide around 60-70% of total calories from carbohydrates, 10-15% from protein and 20-25% of total calories from fat.
Balanced diets at high cost: such diets will include liberal amounts of protective and protein-rich foods such as milk, eggs, meat, fish, fruits and moderate quantities of cereals, pulses, nuts and fats.
Balanced diets at moderate cost: These diets will include moderate amounts of protective and protein-rich foods such as milk, eggs, meat, fish, fruits and fats and liberal amounts cereal, pulses, nuts and green leafy vegetables.
Balanced diets at low cost:These diets will include minimal amounts of protective and protein-rich foods such as milk, eggs, meat, fish fruits, nuts and fats and liberal amounts of cereals, pulses and green leafy vegetables.
ill- Balanced diets: A diet is considered to be ill-balanced diet if it is deficient in calories, proteins, essential vitamins and minerals as it is lacking in protein-rich and protective foods.