Nutritional classification of foods

Human Nutrition 3(3+0)
Lesson 4 : Concept of Balanced Diet, Basic Food Groups Characteristics and their Contribution to the Diet

Nutritional classification of foods

The different groups of foods may be broadly classified under three heads from the nutritional point of view.

  • Energy Yielding Foods
    This group includes foods rich in carbohydrates and fats and also pure fats and carbohydrates. Cereals, roots and tubers, dry fruits sugar and fats are the important energy yielding foods. Cereals, however, provide in addition to energy the greater part of the proteins, certain minerals and vitamins in the diets of the low income groups in developing countries.
  • Body Building Foods
    Foods rich in proteins are called body building foods. This may be broadly divided in to two groups.
    1. Milk, Egg, Meat and Fish rich in proteins of high biological value and
    2. Pulses, Oil Seeds and Nuts and low-fat oilseed flours rich in proteins of medium nutritive value.
  • Protective Foods
    Foods rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals are termed protective foods. Protective foods are broadly classified in to two groups.
    1. Foods rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins of high biological value.
      Milk, eggs, fish and liver and
    2. Foods rich in certain vitamins and minerals only.
      Green leafy and other vegetables and some fruits.
Last modified: Friday, 10 February 2012, 7:23 AM