Other roles includes

Entrepreneurship in Childcare Services 4 (2+2)

Lesson 27 : Role and Responsibilities of Child Care Center entrepreneur

Other roles includes

Developing Interpersonal Relationships
A successful entrepreneur should be a people person. She/he should develop trusting relationship with staff, respect their individuality, firm and should be gentle also. She should build good interpersonal relationship with parents and the community. Entrepreneur as a manager should work effectively with and provide support to those who will implement the program. He should motivate the staff to do the tasks delegated to them.

Creating a positive climate:
As a leader, the entrepreneur has the major responsibility for creating a climate of care, trust, and respect by demonstrating caring behavior by taking steps to build a feeling of community or partnership. Creating a climate for good communication among and between all members of the center and community. The goal is to optimize the developmental potential of children, families and staff in the environment that exemplifies respect for diversity.

The emotional tone at the center is set by the way the entrepreneur feels about others and by the way the entrepreneur feels about others and by the success with which those feelings are communicated to others in the setting. The entrepreneur should create warmth, caring and acceptance by relating to staff members, parents and children with honesty and openness

Community building:

  • Entrepreneur is responsible for developing and maintaining a sense of community among staff, parents and children.
  • It gives feeling of belonging and high morale.
  • Staff members feel that it is their center and their program and feel a sense of ownership about the program, feel enthusiastic about assuming responsibility.

To be an effective leader, the entrepreneur must be a competent communicator and must take responsibility of helping the entire staff develop communication skills. Entrepreneur should always use open communication and should have good listening skills also.

Motivating the staff:
There are a number of useful strategies for motivating people to commit themselves to a task and to actualize their potential.
Two important strategies include: Use of encouragement and job enrichment.

Use of encouragement:
Encouragement is a positive acknowledgement focused on a specific attribute of some action or piece of work completed. It builds self confidence and a sense of intrinsic job satisfaction. The words of encouragement are more specific and process oriented.

 Job enrichment: It is the management strategy that enhances job satisfaction by presenting more challenges and increasing responsibility which in turn produce a sense of personal achievement and on the job satisfaction. This can be done through

  • Giving new and additional responsibilities to the staff.
  • Providing opportunities for ongoing training and college based education that contributes for quality performance and personal and professional growth.
  • Giving staff members’ special assignment.
Last modified: Friday, 10 February 2012, 5:57 AM